Digital Trust Services integration platform
TrustLynx integration solutions help companies and organizations to digitalise, innovate and grow their digital business with simplified trust services. It is used to easily enhance companys IT systems with support of digital identities, digital signing, e-sealing and time-stamping, signatures collection and validation right where information is managed and users work or are accessing your services.
The platform enables compliance, total control over information security, data privacy and user experience. The unmatched flexibility and deployment options eliminates manual data processing activities as well as data and signer journey sharing with 3rd parties. All TrustLynx solutions work within your companys controlled environments and documents don’t leave your firewalls.

Electronic identities
One integration for your company to support millions of users with different digital identities, e.g. different countries eID cards, Mobile-IDs, Smart-ID similar solutions. Either your business requires regulated idendity (user has a qualified certificate) or other identity methods – we’ve got them covered so that you can easily expand your digital business.
Digital signing with Qualified, Advanced or Simple Electronic Signatures
Easily enhance any of your business, customer facing system or digital product with electronic signing capability. Without the necessity to move around documents or visit 3rd party services, your customers, partners, employees or other stakeholders simply choose their preferred method and signing is done! Your company defines in which system and in which case what level of signature is required to use be it qualified, advanced or simple elstronic signatures.
Signature collection
A complete signatures collection and signing portal solution for your company. Employees initiate, define sequence and terms, as well as track progress of signing processes. Signers are notified and access information to view, approve or sign in user friendly, secure and your company branded portal. Meanwhile documents are securely managed, users and systems prompted about results.
Solution is used both from its included and configurable UI and from other applications like HR, CRM, DMS and other where it is needed to collect signatures.
E-Sealing and certificates management
Same trust services infrastructure from TrustLynx used to e-seal and time stamp electronic information – documents and other data. Different types of company certificates and infrastructure for any use-case are supported.
Signing on touchscreen devices
In situations where qualified signatures cannot be used for any reason, a legally binding and compliant consent in form of visual and certificate based e-signature can be obtained. Widely used in customer service and goods delivery points.
Automated data processing and archiving
Configure the logic and archiving principles for different document types and TrustLynx will do the manual tasks previously done by users when switching from paper-based to digitally signed documents. Extending any system via integration and maintenance of trust services becomes really simplified.
Flexible deployment
Select a deployment model suitable for your businesses including: public, private or hybrid cloud options. All TrustLynx solutions work within your controlled environments and documents never leave your companys firewalls.
Developer-friendly features
TrustLynx products are easy to integrate as they provide features that otherwise your experts would need to develop and maintain in order to prepare your existing systems and infrastructure. Swagger, configuration samples, sand-boxes, documentation and support – we make sure your company gets the result.
TrustLynx benefits:
Digitalize processes from A to Z with integrated e-identities, e-signing, e-sealing.
Reach new markets with millions of users in digital channels
Quickly innovate and provide great user experience
Meet compliance required to run your business and benefit from digital possibilities
Hold total control over information security and data privacy, without sharing data with 3rd parties.
Solve all your digital trust needs with one solution
Get fast integration result and seamless maintenance
Easily extend your existing systems with modern and relevant trust services capabilities to increase ROI and resilience in your business
Ready to use components, microservices, portals as well as standard integrations and connectors for OpenText Content Suite, Microsoft SharePoint Online, DocuWare, Azure BlobStore, Electronic File System and other technologies.
TrustLynx will help you solve all of your digital trust needs.
What’s the difference between existing e-signing SaaS services and TrustLynx?
The online services typically requires sharing the documents with them in order to e-sign, e-seal, collect signatures from others, validate them or other actions. TrustLynx technology is built in a way that it works entirely within your company’s controlled environment and documents are not shared with 3rd parties. With TrustLynx, your company has direct integration with trust services providers, direct contact with users and no middle-man involved in the process.
Are the signatures created with TrustLynx compliant?
Yes, e-signatures, e-seals, time-stamps, validation results obtained using TrustLynx are compliant as they are provided by European Comission digital trust infrastructure (DSS), qualified and other trust services providers in accordance with eIDAS regulation.
Why should companies use TrustLynx? What are the motivators?
Compliance. According to regulation your company might be requested to use certain trust services in digital environment and processes. E.g. one must provide official digital identity to prove eligibility to access certain goods or services online. To digitalise and automate contracts, HR, governance and other processes. To sell certain goods on the market you need to register them first using e-sealed data (e.g. EPREL and other).
Information security and data privacy. If your company doesn’t approve sharing personal, commercial and other data that is being e-signed or e-sealed with 3rd parties – your company has total control over information security and data privacy.
Efficiency and business case. At the volume of already few hundreds of documents per month, your company will have a great ROI from integrating and automating e-signing and it’s related processes in your systems with TrustLynx.
Performance and flexibility. TrustLynx technology makes e-signing process extremely fast that it is also used to confirm transactions like payments, e-sealing data in highly transactional and availability scenarios e.g. internetbanks, system-to-system requests and other scenarios.
What countries digital identity and e-signing methods are supported by TrustLynx?
SigningServices support e-signing and e-sealing globally in Advanced level signatures case and citizens from over 60 countries can use Qualified e-signatures via SigningServices.
Does the TrustLynx comply with GDPR?
Yes, TrustLynx are often chosen specifically for the reason that it works in GDPR friendly manner – no data is being shared with 3rd parties. In addition, functionalities included in TrustLynx also automatically report personal data usage to your related systems.
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